by Sharmini Joy Ramani July 22, 2019
A long time ago, let's just say, when PUBERTY hit. Things changed. Body, Skin, Hair, Mood...etc.
Unfortunately, with my horrific luck, I received a really bad gift to go along with everything.
Keratosis Pillaris (KP)!
Otherwise known as “Chicken Skin”, otherwise known as "eewwwwww why is your skin like that", otherwise known as "I'll stare at your hands as if you can't see me staring!" Otherwise known as,"oh I'm so concerned about those marks on you, what is it?"
If you are wondering what KP is, it’s those patches of fine bumps that can be found on your arms, thighs, buttocks, etc... It is the production of excess keratin that ends up getting trapped inside hair follicles that causes hard plugs that become raised & rough to the touch!
Unfortunately, the root cause of KP is said to be genetics. No one knows why keratin builds up! Just one of life's mysteries! But a flare-up can be caused by anything, from a change in weather to an increased amount of stress!
While it may not be dangerous, it certainly takes a hit at your self-confidence!
Growing up, my self-esteem was shattered. The staring made me cover my body where the KP was visible. I had to control my anger when anyone commented or stared. It was a condition that made me stay in my shell to protect myself from people who had no tact. And it made me lose self-confidence and lose out on lots of things like social gatherings, fancy clothes, boys and more just so I wouldn't be subjected to insensitive questioning or staring. This went on all the way to college and adult life.
But when I got older, I realized that other than a few insensitive tactless people you had to control yourself from punching in the face, no one really gives a damn about your KP as they have their own insecurities and scales to worry about. It's what you are as a person that really counts.
Here are some of my personal tips on how I controlled my KP flare-ups, with a simple skincare strategy!
(1) Mild Soaps
Avoid harsh drying soaps, with dangerous chemicals that strip your skin silly! Look out for glycerin soaps, natural soaps made from pure vegetable oils & that are free from synthetic ingredients. Switching to glycerin soaps has made such a difference for me in reducing the symptoms of KP. The glycerin in the soap attracts moisture to help keep skin moist and makes skin softer.
(2) Soothe With Oils
Dryness tends to exacerbate KP. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in some oils that I use, such as apricot kernel oil & almond oil helps to reduce the inflammation & redness caused by KP. It is also a great moisturizer. I practice self-massage with the oils daily and this has helped tremendously! The Enchanted Rose body oil is one of my "go-to" body oils when my skin needs a little love! The ingredients create a magical combination for my skin.
(3) Exfoliate
GENTLY exfoliating regularly is one of the best ways to get rid of KP. I love using gentle sugar & salt scrubs to remove dead skin cells on the skin’s surface which then opens up the plugged hair follicles to reveal smoother skin. Do not over scrub as this will aggravate your KP. I alternate between the Walking on Sunshine Body Scrub & Pretty In Pink which contains oats and does wonders in soothing a flare-up!
(4) Moisturise to keep the bumps away
You absolutely must moisturize every single day! After a shower, when my skin is still damp, I apply a solid butter moisturizer. It helps to trap moisture and soothe dry skin. I use the solid lotion bar several times throughout the day as well, when my skin gets dry with the changes to the environment. My personal favorite would be the Mad Matcha lotion bar with lemongrass essential oil that helps to sterilize pores and strengthen tissues!
This isn't medical advice, but my own observation of my own skin and how I keep KP under control. Should you give it a try, let me know if it worked for you! And if you know of something that worked for you, please help a girl out, won't you? Share in the comments below.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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by Potions Malaysia April 22, 2024
by Potions Malaysia November 01, 2023
Perfume Workshops: A Unique Experience
Imagine a world where you have the power to create your signature scent. At Potions, we make that dream a reality. Our perfume workshops offer a one-to-one experience, perfect for couples seeking a romantic adventure, or small groups looking for a unique bachelorette party idea.
Sharmini Joy Ramani